Team Beta WA, Northam Motorcycle Festival
Team Beta WA were at the Northam Motorcycle festival weekend of 29-30th
November show casing Moto Trials, after a frantic week building a new modular
trials demo trailer. If you had seen the old caravan they use to ride
over you would know that it needed some much needed attention. The
caravan was levelled some time ago to just a flat trailer, then things
were at a stand still whilst Neil & Simon were in Europe and the team
contested events over East and the Nationals Championship. Neil designed
the concept on the computer and with every man and his dog on deck work
began on Monday and was finished 10pm Friday night just in time to be
towed the next day to the show.
This was the 3rd Northam Motorcycle festival and the biggest so far with
a round of the Australian Supermotard Championships being run in
conjunction with the festival.
Tim, Neil Lewis and Alex all rode at the demo. Tim was a little nervous
riding the event as work commitments have seen him only ride about four
trials this season and he hadn't been on the bike since the Nats. But
his nervousness was unfounded as he had a brilliant ride. Neil has had
a heap of hours on his bike this year but like Tim hasn't been on his
bike since the Nats due to renovating a house he has bought and building
the trials demo trailer. Lewis and Alex, well we all know they even
sleep on their bikes and Sue serves them breakfast, lunch and tea there
as well.
The demo trailer worked out perfect and saves so much time on set up.
Lewis unfortunately was its first victim (with injury that is). Actually
Neil was the first to crash off it but Lewis copped a wrist injury from
his fall. The main problem was traction. The boxes are covered with ply
and we painted some non slip paint on it, but due to the tight time frame
we weren't able to allow the different coats to dry, so it wasn't long before
the tyres removed the traction grit then things became fun. The only other
injury was Alex when all the girls were fighting over him.
The trials demo was a great success, it promoted the sport, gain some
interest in potential new riders and entertained the crowd. The boys
were fantastic ambassadors for the sport spending lots of time talking
with people, which after riding the demo in the heat is bloody hard
work. We had heaps of trials people past and present popping in saying
hello, too many to name but it was great to see them all. Many thanks
to Leo who was the main co-ordinator looking after the arena and the
riders. Also many thanks to Tayla, Rachael, Shannon Sue, Pete D and
Ben(team photographer) for their support in setting up and packing up.