WA’s most exciting outdoor motorcycle event, the Northam Motorcycle Festival is
back and pleased to announce the latest additions for 2008, bringing even more
action to Bernard Park this November 29 – 30th. The action over two days includes
-Moto Trials, featuring Australian TDN team member Neil Price
-Supermoto racing, with Italy's #1 and World #2
-Freestyle Motocross, with Yamaha Showtime Team
-Stunt Riding, featuring Matt Mingay and Movieworld stuntman Cameron Ambridge
There will also be plenty of displays from most of the major manufactures featuring
there latest releases and accessories. This year the annual Make A Difference
(MAD) will run in conjunction with the festival, all proceeds going to spinal injury
research and rehabilitation. For more information on how to get involved with the
MAD ride, which will take place on the 30th November, visit www.madride.org for
more information. The ride to Northam will leave from Mundaring at 10am with
breakfast from 7am. For more information on the Northam Motorcycle Festival
visit www.northammotorcyclefestival.com.au