Photo by Ben Dumitro
Team Beta WA had a successfull weekend at the Western Australian State championships. The State Champs were conducted by the Pathfinders Trials MCC and held at Woodendale Road Toodjay.
Whilst the weather wasn't the best, the team results were outstanding. Team Beta WA took all three spots on the A Grade podium with Lewis Nolan gaining another WA State title. Lewis who had just returned from Spain on the Wednesday was riding Neil's bike and was happy with his ride. He said he was starting to feel tired on the second lap but it was his best lap. Its great to have him back in WA and I'm sure the boys are looking forward to some serious practising. Tim took the second spot on the podium and was comfortable with his ride. It was his first ride since dislocating his shoulder at the Australian Titles in NSW and whilst he was a bit wary of the shoulder it stood up ok. He said it began to ache on the second lap but on third it settled down. He had the shoulder taped to prevent it as best it could from the possiblitity of it re-dislocating. Alex took the number 3 spot on the podium but he wasn't all that happy with himself wanting to be of course in a better place. He shouldn't be too tough on himself as the sections were fairly tough and he is after all riding a 125.
Junior rider Luke Patane took 3rd place in his first WA State title event and his first ride on his new Rev80. Luke found that the Rev80 put the power to the ground far better than his previous bike a Rev50 and it caught him out on the first lap costing him a few points that put him behind the 8 ball. He came to terms with it quickly and put in excellent rides on laps 2 & 3. Beta rider Ben Dumitro had a very good ride on his Rev3 125 to place 2nd in the low scoring event.
Team Beta WA Enduro rider Paul Price contested the event as well riding B Grade on a Rev3 270. Paul took the number 1 spot on the podium showing clearly he hasn't lost any of his trials skills. It is actually 10 years ago that Paul won B Grade at the age 16. He had a brilliant ride in relishing the wet slippery conditions.
Quite a number of Beta riders had good results at the State Champs. Matt Page took out C Grade on his Rev3 200 with a very confident ride whilst Martin Softley also Rev3 200 mounted secured 2nd place in Club Class and Roger Burrell 3rd on a Rev3 270. Lewis Kitney and Rohan piloted their Beta Rev3 270 sidecar outfit to 3rd place.
Congratulations to all place getter in the WA State Champs.