Well, now the Aust Champs are gone ,WA states won ,and the trials season nearly finished the boys are still running a muck!!!!!!!!!
After a fantastic 11th place in his first Aust Champs, OPEN SOLO ride, WA STATE CHAMPION dispite mechanical prob's and Tim pushing him hard, He's now ready for his next adventure !!!!!
This Sunday will be Alex's first ride in the Natural Terrain Moto at Pinjarra. Entering the ''HeadLight'' class puts him with Paul, and Neil also having a go, the main aim being to have some fun, finish the day, and not show Paul an Neil up too much. This could be the First and Last run for the 125 GasGas enduro as Alex is prepairing a new weapon for next season, A TM Racing 250cc 2stroke enduro. another masterpiece from Italy,Having ridden the bike myself,[ now all my hair's grey] all I can say is ''BLOODY HELL'' I hope he can hang on to it .!!!!!!!!!
After an 8th place an the Aust Champs, A 7th place at the TDN in Poland, him and Neil arrived home wednesday morning, Lewis then hopped on a plane thursday nite for Meldourne to ride a trials push'y for Jack Field in his ''Hell Team Trials Demo''at the Melbourne Royal Show for 10 day's. Now not only did Jack pay the costs,,pay Lewis to ride, he also supplied the bike!!!..Lewis had to ride on the same stuff as the boy,s on their trials bikes, so it was pretty full-on for the 5 shows a day they did, 1000's of people he said,had a ball....
THEN CAME THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! well what can I say, Sooner or later it was going to happen!! Glad I was there to see it, wonder wots coming next?????
Then there was NEIL!!!!!!!!!!! well what should I say---Explains alot about his father,,,,,a man of his age should know better????? GOD love's a tryer, again an again an again----- Gotta give him 100% for hangin in there and 110% for GUT'S--- glad I was there for this one too!!!
Alex, not wanting to do a Neil before the Pinjarra Race, said, just wait till next week,,,,,,,
The boys new GasGas 300 pro's are due around nov/dec,,,, carn't wait to see how they go----
Will try and keep you's up with thing's over the summer-----LEO.