Sunday, February 13, 2011


Lewis was approached by a "gentleman"whom was interested in making a video of him riding, his name is Leon Fry and he makes alot of short productions for internet use ,mainly downhill competition, but looking to expand into other areas, so Lewis and Leon spent a day to make this----
have a look-------------------------------------------------LEO.....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heres the link again.

the link didn't load on properly for Lewis and Alex's video. try this time.        thats better...........Leo.


After the arrival of two new 300 PRO"S late last year,the boys gave them an hours test in the back yard before hopping back on to the pushey's.Alex building a 26" MTB to try on the concrete,Not bad he said,BUT I like BMX more ,so now there's a "TOTAL BMX" parked in the games room,[makes a  secondhand trials bike look cheap] even down to titaium spokes,and he rides it WELL. New video coming shortly.26"MTB now for sale, only ridden on sundays, mon nites,tue nites,wed thur fri nites and saturdays ,must be like NEW..............Lewis, still loves the MTB but building a 24",,,,,,something about the wheels lasting longer????? and a little easer to manage on the big tricks.
THEN a quite trip last weekend to one of our better practice venues to really ride the 300's happened ,here's the result in the boys own way,,VIDEO....have a look..            ..............................................LEO..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First of the 2011 Beta's on WA soil

The first of the 2011 Beta Evo’s arrived last week.  Neil quickly had his in his shed for the first once over to set it all up.  He is leaving it standard at first for test riding before he gives it the Neil touch.  He said with a grin that his first ride has impressed him already with the longer modified header pipe clearly giving it more bottom end power like the Rev3. He said it sits up on the back wheel a lot easier and will be good for popping across gaps on the back wheel.  A Evo80 Snr has gone south and is in the hands of young Patane.  Dad reports it looks great and is fitted out with the Evo fat bars and front end, ie; triple clamps, fork legs etc.  First ride reports are that it is a top weapon and even Dad reckons he could ride it in a trial.  I’m looking forward to the full report on these and the Gassa’s of Lewis and Alex.  Also Leo is arranging a test with a number of club riders which will cover the new 2011 Ossa, Beta Evo, Gas Gas Pro and the Sherco, should be an interesting test.