the sections were sooooooooooo hard !
first lap started off ok, 5, 1, 1, 2, (they were gooood rides for me )
then i had all 5s to section 12 !
section 12 i got a 3, was sooooo happy to get up it !
just this climb up this valley/gully, with a biggg double rock in the middle,
then climb up more, then a big step at the top.
3rd gear flat out alll the way up. alex u woulda loved it haha.
then section 13 i 5d grrrr section 14 got to the finsh with a 1, then 5d the end grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
and 15, then man made section, i got 0 both laps.
second lap was very shit, i was tired as, rode crap wasnt happy with it.
the sections are just soooooooooo physical and hard.
soooooo steep and soooooooo loose.
if u wheelspin too much or get offline ur sure a 5.
so u have to be everything perfect. its soooo hard.
I had few good rides but alot of bad ones .
this one dude crashed, slid down the hill and fell of this massive drop him and his bike.
sooooooooo lucky he wasnt hurt.
it was weLll weLlll over ceiling height.
pretty scary stuff!!!!!
will be interesting to see how i go tomora,
its soooo easy to end up with a 5 in these sections.
Soung was my minder, he was sooo good, he put in so much effort.
wish u could see the sections,
so much harder than any other trial i done so far.
just soooooooo steep haha.
Saw Kyle Middleton,
rode with him in practice area this morning abit.Hes riding the world round tomorrow.
talked to Kevin zar also ,
and Jason Byrnes mum and dad too.
and dads nephew, Pete and Tash was good seein them too.
ok im oFf for now, Lewis.