----- Original Message -----
From: lewis nolan
To: Home
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 11:00 PM
Subject: RE: good luck.
they made the sections easier lastnite which was good
still hellllllllllllllllllllllll hard but.
i didnt ride nearly my best, was pretty nervous, i had many good rides, clean to the end, then stuff up on the easiest bit and get 5s
some sections are just sooooooooooooo slippery
first lap i dropped 59, and think i was like 25th outta 37 starters
2nd lap i ride so so so bad,I dropped 71pts, and end up 31st
hopefully go better tomorrow at the world round
i am going out for dinner with tim and tayla tonite, He was hell nice running after me on the first four sections giving me water and stuff and just being there. It was good just to have them there for my first ride in Europe.